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Hi there!

I'm Polly Gabrieli

I work at the intersection of computational biology and the business of biotech. I'm fascinated by opportunities to use advancements in computation to improve our healthcare system and make patients' lives better. Check out my resume below - and shoot me an email if you're interested in chatting!

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August 2020 - December 2021

MS, Harvard Medical School

I recently graduated from Harvard's Masters in Biomedical Informatics, where I researched the applications of machine learning in computational oncology and clinical analytics at Dr. Eli van Allen's lab. Using a state-of-the-art neural network designed based on biological gene networks, I analyzed genomic patterns associated with patient response to cancer immunotherapy.

September 2015 - June 2019

BA, Harvard University

In 2019, I graduated summa cum laude with highest honors in my concentration, Neuroscience. At Harvard, I received the Sophia Freund Award for academic performance and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa (Senior 48). I also received a Thomas T. Hoopes Prize for my thesis in computational neuroscience studying a novel social behavior in mice.

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Research & Work Experience

January 2022-

Analyst, Bain Capital Life Sciences

Currently, I work as a biotech analyst at Bain Capital Life Sciences. In 2020, I got the opportunity to work at to BCLS as a research fellow. Now as an analyst, I evaluate incoming deal flow, execute financial and scientific due diligence for promising new opportunities, and work with portfolio companies. While I work across therapeutic areas, I have particular specialty in the diagnostics and immunology spaces.

November 2020-present

Graduate researcher,
DFCI & Broad Institute

My research at Dr. Eli van Allen's lab focuses on the clinical and genomic correlates of patient response to immunotherapy. Combining an aggregated dataset of 800+ patients across cancer types with state-of-the-art machine learning techniques like biologically inspired neural networks with interpretable coefficients, we are training models to predict whether patients respond to immunotherapy.

June 2019 - August 2020

Research assistant,

Working at Dr. Ziv William's lab, I continued my undergraduate thesis research in which I developed a new behavioral paradigm to investigate social behavior in mice. As a research assistant, I collected and analyzed behavioral and electrophysiological data to identify the neuronal correlates of these novel behaviors.

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Advocacy & Volunteering


MA COVID Vaccine Finder

In February 2021, my two sisters and I co-founded MA COVID Vaccine Finder, a free service that scraped the web to connect people with open vaccine appointments in Massachusetts. With the help of some amazing volunteers and partners across the state, we served about 50,000 Massachusetts residents.

Organizational lead, 
Every Voice

Every Voice is a grassroots coalition of students, survivors, and stakeholders working to pass laws across the country to end the epidemic of campus sexual assault. I've been involved with Every Voice since it was founded in 2016, working as an organizational lead in the early days as well as the national development director in 2020. I'm proud to say that the coalition has passed laws in 4 states, with pending legislation in many more.

Volunteer data scientist

I love getting the chance to help non-profits sift through important data. Most recently, I've worked with the Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program, the Trio New College Network, and Mass Equality. If you're a non-profit looking for free data science help, feel free to shoot me an email!

Clinical volunteer

Over the years, I've worked directly with patients at Mass General Hospital, the Family Van, and the Massachusetts Medical Reserve Corps. Getting the chance to help patients helps ground my mission to serve patients, and reminds me to advocate for patients who aren't served by the current system.

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Organized Desk


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